The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s Battle Born Chapter Banquet will be held at Casino Fandango in Carson City on Saturday, February 22 starting at 5:00pm.
In addition to a great dinner, you have a chance to enter raffles and sweepstakes for a chance at winning a hunt, great outdoor gear, rifles and much more!
Support RMEF to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat!
For reservations, tickets and additional information, visit https://www.rmef.org/events/
For Membership and additional information visit: https://www.rmef.org
If you’re not already a member, become one now! The Foundation raises money for the following types of programs:
It’s the volunteers and the contributors that make the critical difference working together that can leave a lasting legacy of wildlife for future generations!
For General Ticket Information on all events, contact Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations Regional Director: Deanna Ackerman / Email: dackerman@rmef.org / Ph#: (775) 567-8041